Projects: Hardware

USBtingo - USB to CAN-FD interface

USBtingo - USB to CAN-FD interface

High-Speed USB to CAN(-FD) interface with logic analyzer feature.
01/2024; ARM, C/C++, CAN
Single-Wire CAN board

Single-Wire CAN board

Transceiver board for single wire CAN.
10/2023; CAN
USBlini - USB to LIN interface

USBlini - USB to LIN interface

USB to LIN with slave, master and logic analyzer functions.
12/2021; PIC, C/C++, LIN
USB-to-SPI development platform

USB-to-SPI development platform

Platform for USB to SPI converter developments.
04/2021; PIC, C/C++, SPI
Dual stepper motor driver

Dual stepper motor driver

Controller for Obeltus, a slow running conveyor belt.
03/2021; PIC, C/C++
Six channel CAN bus motor controller

Six channel CAN bus motor controller

Driver board with CAN bus interface for six DC motors.
02/2021; PIC, C/C++, CAN
Brushless motor driver (hall sensor)

Brushless motor driver (hall sensor)

Driver board for BLDC motor with hall sensors.
11/2020; PIC, C/C++
Capacitive touch I2C board

Capacitive touch I2C board

HMI with four touch buttons, buzzer, OLED connector.
05/2020; PIC, C/C++, I2C
Sensorless BLDC motor driver board

Sensorless BLDC motor driver board

12V/1.5A sensorless motor driver.
02/2020; PIC, C/C++
I2C-MP-USB - USB to I²C Interface

I2C-MP-USB - USB to I²C Interface

USB to I²C interface.
07/2019; PIC, C/C++, USB, I2C
USB2FIR - USB visual thermometer

USB2FIR - USB visual thermometer

Interface board for the thermal sensor array MLX90640.
07/2018; PIC, C/C++, USB


High-performance dual channel CAN bus board.
03/2018; PIC, CAN, C/C++, USB
GSM/GPRS Air Quality Sensor

GSM/GPRS Air Quality Sensor

Solar powered dust sensor with GSM module (PIC18F26K40 + SDS011 + A6).
04/2017; PIC, C/C++, GSM
SMBus Battery (Solar-)Charger

SMBus Battery (Solar-)Charger

(Solar-)Charger (PIC16F1936 + LTC3780) for laptop battery.
01/2017; PIC, LCD, C/C++
USBula - Serial to USB-Flash-Drive Bridge

USBula - Serial to USB-Flash-Drive Bridge

Serial to USB-Flash-Drive Bridge Firmware.
02/2016; PIC, USB, C/C++
Activity sensor tag

Activity sensor tag

Small sensor board (PIC16F1824 + LIS2D) with 3D printed case.
11/2015; PIC, C/C++
DC/DC output voltage control

DC/DC output voltage control

Output voltage control of LM2596 converter board.
RGBW controller

RGBW controller

4 channel LED PWM driver with IR proximity control (color scene / dimm).
06/2014; AVR, C/C++
Switch 230V with Raspberry Pi

Switch 230V with Raspberry Pi

Control USB multiple socket with RPi.
01/2014; Raspberry Pi
ISPnub - Stand-alone AVR Programmer

ISPnub - Stand-alone AVR Programmer

Stand-alone In-System-Programmer to flash AVRs without a PC.
06/2013; AVR, C/C++
Serial Debugging over Bluetooth

Serial Debugging over Bluetooth

Send serial debugging output to Android devices. Uses single cell (step-up to 3.3V).
03/2013; Bluetooth, UART
USBtin - USB to CAN interface

USBtin - USB to CAN interface

CAN to USB interface based on Microchip PIC.
12/2011; PIC, CAN, USB
USBStickLogger - USB thumb drive logger

USBStickLogger - USB thumb drive logger

USB thumb drive logger for serial data.
08/2011; USB, PIC, C/C++, UART
BLDC controller board

BLDC controller board

Control brushless DC motor with dsPIC.
07/2011; PIC
Mini DC-Motor-Controller

Mini DC-Motor-Controller

Mini board (29x26mm) to control two DC motors up to 0.4A. Voltage: 2.7V - 5.5V. With PIC16F1824: PWM control, inputs for encoder, UART and one LED.
05/2011; PIC, UART
ATtiny10 adapter board

ATtiny10 adapter board

Adapter board with AVR ATiny10. One LED, one button and ISP.
04/2011; AVR
LCD glas controller

LCD glas controller

Control pure LCD glas with PIC.
02/2011; PIC, C/C++, LCD
Step-up converter board

Step-up converter board

Converts battery voltage (down to 0,8V) to output of 3,3V. Polarity protection. SMD. 14x37mm.
13,56 MHz RFID-Readerboard

13,56 MHz RFID-Readerboard

Read and write 13,56 MHz RFID tags. Supports ISO14443A and ISO15693.
11/2010; RFID, C/C++, SPI


Small development board for PIC with USB-OTG-module.
08/2010; PIC, USB, C/C++, UART
USBnub - PIC development board

USBnub - PIC development board

OpenSource USB development board with PIC18F14K50.
01/2010; PIC, JAL, C/C++, USB, UART
TBLCF - Coldfire USB-Programmer/Debugger

TBLCF - Coldfire USB-Programmer/Debugger

Programmer for Freescale Coldfire Controllers (TBLCF - OpenSource Debugging Cable).
07/2009; Coldfire, USB
AVR Ethernetboard

AVR Ethernetboard

Board with ATMega128 and CP2200.
05/2007; AVR, Ethernet, C/C++
R8C - TiltRocket

R8C - TiltRocket

Article for the Elektor R8C contest. Used (Nokia 3310-)display and an acceleration sensor to control a rocket.
08/2006; R8C, LCD, C/C++
USBasp - USB programmer for AVRs

USBasp - USB programmer for AVRs

USB programmer for Atmel AVR controllers.
04/2005; USB, AVR, C/C++, SPI
Xilinx XC9572XL experimental board

Xilinx XC9572XL experimental board

Development board and programmer for the CPLD XC9572XL.


Mini logic analyser for recording digital signals with low sample rate based on AVR. GUI host software written in Java (screenshot).
10/2004; AVR
Feldmühle - Bestimmung der Feldrichtung aus dem Signalverlauf

Feldmühle - Bestimmung der Feldrichtung aus dem Signalverlauf

Bestimmung der Feldrichtung des statischen elektrischen Felds aus dem Signalverlauf einer Feldmühle.
PCMCIA interface for microcontrollers

PCMCIA interface for microcontrollers

Interfacing of PCMCIA cards following PC-Card-standard (16 bit).
05/2004; AVR
AVR910 programmer

AVR910 programmer

AVR programmer for serial port.
03/2004; AVR
Nokia 3310 lcd on MSP430

Nokia 3310 lcd on MSP430

Nokia 3310 lcd connected to M430F1101A controller. Compiler: MSPGCC.
02/2004; LCD, MSP430


Adapter with MSP430 and 32 kHz clock crystal. Pinheaders and BSL interface.
09/2003; MSP430
MSP430-BSL Interface

MSP430-BSL Interface

Interface to flash MSP430 via the factory pre-programmed bootloader.
09/2003; MSP430


Sensor for electrostatic field in the atmosphere (storm detection).
06/2003; AVR


Receiver for wether station sensors (433 MHz). AT90S2313 and HFS301 (ELV).
08/2002; AVR


Small line follower robot.
06/2001; AVR
AT90S2313 Board

AT90S2313 Board

First experiences with Atmel AVR controller. Board with LED, switch and RS232. Used simple LPT-ISP-adapter to flash the controller.
2001; AVR
PIC Programmer

PIC Programmer

Simple RS232 programmer for Microchip PICs.
1999; PIC


Unidirectional data transfer with laser. Modified cheap laser pointer.
EPROM Emulator

EPROM Emulator

Circuit which emulates an EPROM with a SRAM chip. The chip must be programmed within EPROM burner.
80C31 Board

80C31 Board

First microcontroller experiences with a 80C31 controller, LEDs, switch, RS232 and LCD. Used EPROMs for program memory.
11/1997; 8051


Burner for EPROMs. Inspired by an article in "PC-Schnittstellen angewandt" (Elektro-Verlag, 4. Auflage 1995).


A/D-Converter for serial port. Inspired by an article in "PC-Schnittstellen angewandt" (Elektor-Verlag, 4. Auflage 1995).
LPT box

LPT box

Simple kit. Control LEDs over printer port.
11/1994; LPT


Sound output with simple DAC (resistor network) over printer port.
1993; LPT