Interface board for the thermal sensor array MLX90640.
High-performance dual channel CAN bus board.
4ch Thermocouple serial (USB/UART) interface.
Serial to USB-Flash-Drive Bridge Firmware.
LogicSampler for STM32F4-Discovery
Sample four GPIOs and send its states over USB or UART to host. With Java GUI.
CAN to USB interface based on Microchip PIC.
USB thumb drive logger for serial data.
Small development board for PIC with USB-OTG-module.
USBnub - PIC development board
OpenSource USB development board with PIC18F14K50.
Multi-platform tool for flashing Microchip PIC controller with HID-Bootloader.
Bootloader with USB support for Atmel AVR controllers.
USB programmer for Atmel AVR controllers.