USB to LIN with slave, master and logic analyzer functions.
Platform for USB to SPI converter developments.
Controller for Obeltus, a slow running conveyor belt.
Driver board with CAN bus interface for six DC motors.
Brushless motor driver (hall sensor)
Driver board for BLDC motor with hall sensors.
Capacitive touch I2C board
HMI with four touch buttons, buzzer, OLED connector.
Sensorless BLDC motor driver board
12V/1.5A sensorless motor driver.
Interface board for the thermal sensor array MLX90640.
High-performance dual channel CAN bus board.
GSM/GPRS Air Quality Sensor
Solar powered dust sensor with GSM module (PIC18F26K40 + SDS011 + A6).
(Solar-)Charger (PIC16F1936 + LTC3780) for laptop battery.
4ch Thermocouple serial (USB/UART) interface.
Serial to USB-Flash-Drive Bridge Firmware.
Activity sensor tag
Small sensor board (PIC16F1824 + LIS2D) with 3D printed case.
CAN to USB interface based on Microchip PIC.
USB thumb drive logger for serial data.
BLDC controller board
Control brushless DC motor with dsPIC.
Mini DC-Motor-Controller
Mini board (29x26mm) to control two DC motors up to 0.4A. Voltage: 2.7V - 5.5V. With PIC16F1824: PWM control, inputs for encoder, UART and one LED.
LCD glas controller
Control pure LCD glas with PIC.
Small development board for PIC with USB-OTG-module.
USBnub - PIC development board
OpenSource USB development board with PIC18F14K50.
Multi-platform tool for flashing Microchip PIC controller with HID-Bootloader.
PIC Programmer
Simple RS232 programmer for Microchip PICs.