Projects: C/C++

USBtingo - USB to CAN-FD interface

USBtingo - USB to CAN-FD interface

High-Speed USB to CAN(-FD) interface with logic analyzer feature.
01/2024; ARM, C/C++, CAN
USBlini - USB to LIN interface

USBlini - USB to LIN interface

USB to LIN with slave, master and logic analyzer functions.
12/2021; PIC, C/C++, LIN
USB-to-SPI development platform

USB-to-SPI development platform

Platform for USB to SPI converter developments.
04/2021; PIC, C/C++, SPI
Dual stepper motor driver

Dual stepper motor driver

Controller for Obeltus, a slow running conveyor belt.
03/2021; PIC, C/C++
Six channel CAN bus motor controller

Six channel CAN bus motor controller

Driver board with CAN bus interface for six DC motors.
02/2021; PIC, C/C++, CAN
Brushless motor driver (hall sensor)

Brushless motor driver (hall sensor)

Driver board for BLDC motor with hall sensors.
11/2020; PIC, C/C++
Capacitive touch I2C board

Capacitive touch I2C board

HMI with four touch buttons, buzzer, OLED connector.
05/2020; PIC, C/C++, I2C
Sensorless BLDC motor driver board

Sensorless BLDC motor driver board

12V/1.5A sensorless motor driver.
02/2020; PIC, C/C++
I2C-MP-USB - USB to I²C Interface

I2C-MP-USB - USB to I²C Interface

USB to I²C interface.
07/2019; PIC, C/C++, USB, I2C
USB2FIR - USB visual thermometer

USB2FIR - USB visual thermometer

Interface board for the thermal sensor array MLX90640.
07/2018; PIC, C/C++, USB


High-performance dual channel CAN bus board.
03/2018; PIC, CAN, C/C++, USB
STM8SVL Discovery Board on Linux

STM8SVL Discovery Board on Linux

Basic steps for using the board on Linux.
08/2017; STM8, C/C++
GSM/GPRS Air Quality Sensor

GSM/GPRS Air Quality Sensor

Solar powered dust sensor with GSM module (PIC18F26K40 + SDS011 + A6).
04/2017; PIC, C/C++, GSM
SMBus Battery (Solar-)Charger

SMBus Battery (Solar-)Charger

(Solar-)Charger (PIC16F1936 + LTC3780) for laptop battery.
01/2017; PIC, LCD, C/C++
USBula - Serial to USB-Flash-Drive Bridge

USBula - Serial to USB-Flash-Drive Bridge

Serial to USB-Flash-Drive Bridge Firmware.
02/2016; PIC, USB, C/C++
Activity sensor tag

Activity sensor tag

Small sensor board (PIC16F1824 + LIS2D) with 3D printed case.
11/2015; PIC, C/C++
RGBW controller

RGBW controller

4 channel LED PWM driver with IR proximity control (color scene / dimm).
06/2014; AVR, C/C++
ISPnub - Stand-alone AVR Programmer

ISPnub - Stand-alone AVR Programmer

Stand-alone In-System-Programmer to flash AVRs without a PC.
06/2013; AVR, C/C++
USBStickLogger - USB thumb drive logger

USBStickLogger - USB thumb drive logger

USB thumb drive logger for serial data.
08/2011; USB, PIC, C/C++, UART
LCD glas controller

LCD glas controller

Control pure LCD glas with PIC.
02/2011; PIC, C/C++, LCD
13,56 MHz RFID-Readerboard

13,56 MHz RFID-Readerboard

Read and write 13,56 MHz RFID tags. Supports ISO14443A and ISO15693.
11/2010; RFID, C/C++, SPI


Small development board for PIC with USB-OTG-module.
08/2010; PIC, USB, C/C++, UART
USBnub - PIC development board

USBnub - PIC development board

OpenSource USB development board with PIC18F14K50.
01/2010; PIC, JAL, C/C++, USB, UART

MPHidFlash - USB HID-Bootloader Tool

Multi-platform tool for flashing Microchip PIC controller with HID-Bootloader.
12/2009; C/C++, USB, PIC
AVR Ethernetboard

AVR Ethernetboard

Board with ATMega128 and CP2200.
05/2007; AVR, Ethernet, C/C++
R8C - TiltRocket

R8C - TiltRocket

Article for the Elektor R8C contest. Used (Nokia 3310-)display and an acceleration sensor to control a rocket.
08/2006; R8C, LCD, C/C++
USBasp - USB programmer for AVRs

USBasp - USB programmer for AVRs

USB programmer for Atmel AVR controllers.
04/2005; USB, AVR, C/C++, SPI


Read out temperature sensor on Mobilcom Surfstation.
09/2004; C/C++, I2C


Grafische Simulation des Zweikörper-Problems.
02/2000; C/C++