Projects: ARM

USBtingo - USB to CAN-FD interface

USBtingo - USB to CAN-FD interface

High-Speed USB to CAN(-FD) interface with logic analyzer feature.
01/2024; ARM, C/C++, CAN
LogicSampler for STM32F4-Discovery

LogicSampler for STM32F4-Discovery

Sample four GPIOs and send its states over USB or UART to host. With Java GUI.
SLLogicLogger - Logic analyser for TI Stellaris Launchpad

SLLogicLogger - Logic analyser for TI Stellaris Launchpad

A simple logic analyser for Stellaris Launchpad.
CAN interface for TI Stellaris Launchpad

CAN interface for TI Stellaris Launchpad

Interface a TI Stellaris Launchpad to a CAN bus.