USBStickLogger - Log serial data to an USB thumb drive
Looking for a customized firmware?
(e.g. with Parser, LCD, RTC)
Please mail me!
With this circuit you can log serial (UART) data to an USB thumb drive
and record data over a long period without the need of a PC.
Simply connect your system to the logger and plug in an USB keydrive.
All incoming data is logged to a file on the memory stick.
- No smd components are needed.
- Firmware is open source.
- Single power supply voltage: 5V (about 80mA).
- Connection to your circuit with only three lines: +5V, GND, uC-Tx.
- UART baudrate can be adjusted with a configuration file on the USB keydrive.
USBStickLogger has two connectors: the USB connector for the memory stick and a pin header socket for interfacing the UART and power supply:
Pin | Function |

1 | +5V |
2 | GND |
3 | [uc-Rx/Logger-Tx] |
4 | GND |
5 | |
6 | GND |
7 | |
8 | GND |
9 | uc-Tx/Logger-Rx |
10 | GND |
Default setting for the UART is: 9600 baud, 1 start bit, 1 stop bit, no parity.
You can configure this paramter by placing the file "CONFIG.TXT" to the USB thumb drive. Currently only the baudrate can be configured. Example:
Once the device is connected and correctly configured, all incoming characters on the serial interface are written to the file "LOGGING.TXT" on the USB key drive.
usbsticklogger_firmware_v1.2.tar.gz (2011-08-06)
Steps to compile the firmware:
- Install the MAL Microchip Application Library (USB framework). Tested with v2010-10-19.
- Unpack usbsticklogger*.tar.gz into a subfolder to the Microchip library folder.
e.g. C:\Microchip Solutions v2010-10-19\usbsticklogger\usbsticklogger_firmware_v1.2\
- Open the Project with MPLAB IDE 8*. Tested with v8.63.
- Compile with MPLAB C30. Tested with v3.24.
Partnumber | Value | Reichelt No |
C1, C2, C7, C8, C9 | 100n | X7R-5 100N |
C3, C6 | 4,7u | RAD 4,7/35 |
C4, C5 | 22p | KERKO 22P |
IC1 | 24FJ64GB002-I/P | 24FJ64GB002-IP (not programmed!) |
IC3 | MCP1700 | - |
K1 | USB-A | USB AW |
K2 | 10pol | WSL 10W |
LED1 | 3mm LED red | LED 3MM 2MA RT |
Q1 | 12Mhz | 12,0000-HC49U-S |
R1 | 1k | 1/4W 1K |
R2 | PTC | PFRA 025 |
R3 | 10k | 1/4W 10K |
R4, R5, R6, R7 | 270 | 1/4W 270 |
S1 | Switch | TASTER 3301B |
M1 | Case | TEKO 10007 |
M2 | Socket 28 | GS 20 |
M3 | PCB | - |
Elektor-Projekt: USB-Stick am Mikrocontroller