SLLogicLogger - A simple logic analyser for TI Stellaris Launchpad
TI provides with the Stellaris Launchpad a cheap ARM development board. This page describes how to use it as a simple logic analyser. The idea comes from this project: Using STM32F4 as a logic analyser.Features
- 10 MHz sampling rate
- 16 kBytes sampling buffer
- 8 channels (PORTB[0..7])
- No external hardware except Stellaris Launchpad needed
- State change on any pin starts sampling (no further trigger functions yet)
SLLogicLogger supports the
The only hardware component you need is the Stellaris Launchpad, no other hardware is necessary.Software
A multiplatform client which supports the SUMP protocol is

Firmware, binary file and OLS-Profile:sllogiclogger.2014-02-08.tar.gz (Updated OLS configuration file)